The costs of paying tier to Linden Lab are no longer within the capabilities of the SL Shakesphere Company.. They are asking for your help to raise enough funds to pay for 3 island sims for 6 months. The deadline is 1/21/2009. Please help or donate generously to save the SLSC, Primtings and SLiiterary.
More Info at campaign.slshakespeare.com/
Elizabeth (Pelican) costume by Naergilien Wunderlich. It and other wonderful creations are available at the Globe Theater Gift shop.
Sapphire Estate Pendant on a Strand of Antique Snow Pearls by Sue Stonebender
Headpiece taken from a portrait of Queen Elizabeth the First (The "Darnley Portrait"
c. 1575)

Hair by Bijou
Top by Bijou
Glasses by "Air"
High Fidelity (Deleted Scene)

Top and Hotpants by Leezu Baxter
Hair by Amrita
Glasses by "Air"
Open toe pumps by "J's"
Nexklace by JCNY
Upper arm Bangle by "Mezzo"
Location Musashi
Thank You for a Great Year

Top: Mirrors*+Mabare_GL_Shirt (freebe)
Tights by Armidi
Hair by Jolie Femm
Glasses by Solar
Bangle by Persona
Location: Studio
As usual, if you want more detail, click on the pic and look in All Sizes in my Flickr
Take Care, Be Cool and Have Fun
See you Next year