Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nonna Hedges

Nonna Hedges
Originally uploaded by Connie Sec
Some of you may know of me as the admin for the SLpaparazzi flickr group and my postings under my slpapparazzi Flickr account. Well, I managed to catch the elusive Nonna Hedges at the latest Kmadd show featuring the designs by Icing.
The pool has grown to include pics of many SL well knowns and not so well knowns around the grid.. Of course, this is also a shameless plug to have you .dear reader. take candid pics of SL "celebs" and post them in that pool.
Go for it, the only rule being that please, don't go camming into their homes and private retreats. But public places, events and shops are fair game I feel. And if u see them up to something naughty publicly...all the better :)

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