SL Rezzday pic of myself. Without all the FX and Razzledazzle that everyone seems to want to see. One year next week..One year older..one year wiser?
Of course, being my rezzday, and as i am usually reticent to be my opinionated self. I should take the opportunity to get on my soapbox and rave on about what irks me and what thrills me in SL and Flickr.. As far as pics go, to me, FX for FX 'sake, and not to enhance and convey the message of the pic is empty and rather a waste of time. There are many technically gifted flickrites working in SL, many more technically proficient than I. But for me, composition is all..and I am no paragon of virtue in this. However there is an Aussie saying. You can't polish a Turd!.
However on a positive note, I must say to my flickr friends.... You have inspired and encouraged me to find a side i never knew I had...for that..you ALL hold a very special place in my heart
And SL, what can you say, I love it, and I hate it..but not enough to leave it. Somewhat like a marriage perhaps. I could not have made it alone. So this one is for you, all who have taught me, in many ways....for the tears and the laughter. A special mention to Janey, Bhelle,Squirls, Skye (wherever you are) Clarice, and all who have come into my SL, and those that have 'dissapeared". I think of you on this day, you are all important to me.
Outfit by Solange, watch by Muse, Hair from Cake