Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year



The costs of paying tier to Linden Lab are no longer within the capabilities of the SL Shakesphere Company.. They are asking for your help to raise enough funds to pay for 3 island sims for 6 months. The deadline is 1/21/2009. Please help or donate generously to save the SLSC, Primtings and SLiiterary.
More Info at

Elizabeth (Pelican) costume by Naergilien Wunderlich. It and other wonderful creations are available at the Globe Theater Gift shop.
Sapphire Estate Pendant on a Strand of Antique Snow Pearls by Sue Stonebender
Headpiece taken from a portrait of Queen Elizabeth the First (The "Darnley Portrait"
c. 1575)


Hair by Bijou
Top by Bijou
Glasses by "Air"

High Fidelity (Deleted Scene)

High Fidelity (Deleted Scene)

Top and Hotpants by Leezu Baxter
Hair by Amrita
Glasses by "Air"
Open toe pumps by "J's"
Nexklace by JCNY
Upper arm Bangle by "Mezzo"
Location Musashi

Thank You for a Great Year

Thank You for a Great Year

Top: Mirrors*+Mabare_GL_Shirt (freebe)
Tights by Armidi
Hair by Jolie Femm
Glasses by Solar
Bangle by Persona
Location: Studio

As usual, if you want more detail, click on the pic and look in All Sizes in my Flickr

Take Care, Be Cool and Have Fun
See you Next year

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Roast

Jewelry for the Eyes

Jewelry for the Eyes

"Amber" Glasses by "Air"

A Bit Of Leg

A Bit Of Leg

Prim Toe Stilettos by "J's"
Lingerie by "Detour"

Janey at Insilco

Janey at Insilco

Costume by Skills Hax

Some Faces at 7

Some Faces at 7

Was asked by someone to remove their Pic from this Montage, so this is a repost with the replacement.

If you want more detail, just click on the pic and then all sizes to see the large version

All Photography my Connie Sec / Arida

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Out and About

SL Designer Team for EFA-AIFW2009
SL Designer Team for  EFA-AIFW2009

The SL-designers in the Beurs van Berlage, the event area of the RL-show. From left to right: Digit Darkes, Sysy Chapman, Neferia Abel, Simone Stern, Zaara Kohime, Sascha Frangilli
More Info at

Some Faces at 7
Some Faces at 7

Some of the crowd at the People's Choice for this year's hottest male avatar held at Seven Ultra Lounge

For the largest size and most detail, click on the pic and look for the original size in my Flickr

Baby you, Got Me In The Shape I'm In

Arwen In Kowloon

Arwen in Kowloon

Shape by Shiki
Skin by Tuli (Emily)
Dress by Cupcakes
Hair by Amrita
Jewelry by Mezzo
Location: Kowloon

Alizarin in Tokyo

Alizarin in Tokyo

Cheongsam Bodysuit by "Style starts here"
Jacket and Skirt by Naiman Broome
Hair by Amrita
Skin by Gala
Shape by Shiki
Stockings etc by "Kru's Boutique"
Location: Studio

Vivi at the Beach

Vivi at the Beach

Shape By Shiki
Skin By " Belleza"
Bikini by "Poppy"
Hair by "Zero Style"
Location: Home

Want to see more detail?.Click on the pic for the larger size
All Pics and Modeling by Connie Sec / Arida

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Go Get a Haircut

Winter Dress Tokyo Night
Winter Dress Tokyo Night By Shiki
Hair by "Tekeli -Li" (1L) (scripted)
Fur Gloves by "Aya V"
Location: Dolphin Designs
Click on pic to see detail

A Haircut
Hair By "Little Heaven"
Glasses by "Solar"
Earrings fron "JCNY"
Location: Home
Click on pic to see detail

The Interview
Shirt and Jacket by "Kru's Boutique".
Sculpty collar from Slink
Sculpty shirt cuffs from Pixel Mode
Leather Pants by "Last Call"
Broach by Adia Clary
Boots by Bax
Location: Home
Click on pic to see detail

Model Connie Arida
All Photography by Connie Sec
Winter Dress Tokyo Night

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